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Concussion is a common but serious injury, especially in sports and daily activities. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of a disease concussion It is very important for timely and effective treatment. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), millions of concussions occur each year and often go undiagnosed. Understanding what to look for can make a significant difference in a person’s recovery process. Learn how to detect a concussion here.

What is a concussion?

Concussion is a type of traumatic event brain damage (TBI) is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull. This sudden movement can create chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretch and damage brain cells. The effects may be temporary but can cause significant impairments in cognitive functions, balance, and coordination.

Immediate signs of concussion to watch out for

Concussion (1)

Image: Canva

after a while head injurySudden symptoms of a concussion may appear. According to a study published in the ‘Journal of Athletic Training’, these symptoms may include:
Headache: It is one of the most common symptoms.
confusion, confusion: The injured person may appear dizzy or have difficulty answering questions.
Amnesia: Difficulty remembering events before or after the injury.
Dizziness and balance problems: Balance or coordination problem.
Nausea or vomiting: feeling sick or actually vomiting It may occur immediately after impact.

Delayed signs of concussion to watch out for

Concussion symptoms may also develop hours or days after the initial injury.
Sensitivity to light and noise: The person may find bright lights or loud sounds particularly disturbing.
Sleeping disorders: Difficulty falling asleep or sleeping more than usual.
Mood changes: Increased irritability, sadness, or irritability.
cognitive problems: Difficulty concentrating or remembering things.
Physical symptoms: Persistent headaches, blurred vision and fatigue.

Behavioral and emotional changes

Changes in behavior and emotions may be subtle but are important indicators of a concussion. A study by the ‘American Journal of Sports Medicine’ highlights that concussions can lead to noticeable changes in mood and behavior, such as:
Irritability: Increasing frustration over small matters.
Depression: Feeling sad or hopeless for no clear reason.
Anxiety: Sudden onset of irritability or anxiety.
personality changes: Acting differently than usual, becoming more withdrawn or aggressive.

Recognizing concussion in children

Children may not be able to express their symptoms as clearly as adults. The CDC emphasizes watching for signs such as:
Changes in the game: Less interest in favorite toys or activities.
Awkwardness: More frequent falls or difficulty walking.
Tiredness: Unusual sleepiness or drowsiness.
crying: Excessive crying for no apparent reason.
Changes in eating and sleeping habits: Unexplained changes in appetite or sleep patterns.
It is important to seek medical attention if a concussion is suspected. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke recommends that a person seek immediate medical evaluation if:
loses consciousness: Even if it’s short.
Repeated vomiting: This could be an indication of a more serious injury.
experiences seizures: Seizures are a sign of serious brain trauma.
He exhibits worsening symptoms: Increasing headaches, confusion, or unusual behavior.

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