HomeTechnologyTech SolutionHow to Download and Use Arc Browser on Windows

hello! After the exciting launch of Arc Browser on Mac devices in 2019 by The Browser Company, they saw high demand for this fantastic browser on other platforms and devices. Well, we have some great news to share with our PC users – Arc Browser is now available to download on Windows 10/11! Keep reading for instructions on how to do this on your device.

How to Download Arc Browser on Windows

How to Download and Use Arc Browser on Windows

Arc Browser is a new browser on the market that aims to act as a Personal Workspace and Information Management System Along with browsing the website. It offers various unique features, such as:

  • Boost (improve browsing experience by optimizing mini-apps)
  • Spaces (organize folders for your tabs)
  • easel (a collaborative whiteboard)
  • Notes (take notes within the browser)
  • Little Arc (instantly launches any website with a keyboard shortcut)
  • Smooth and intuitive interface

Is Arc Browser available for Windows users?

YesArc Browser is now available for Windows users! It was launched on 11 December 2023 by The Browser Company. It is important to note that it is currently in the development stage. Currently only the beta version of Arc Browser has been rolled out.

To download the beta version of Arc Browser, you will need an invitation. Here’s a simple guide to help you download and use Arc Browser on Windows:

Step 1: Get an invite to the beta version

As we said earlier, Arc Browser is still in the development phase. To get the beta version of Arc Browser, follow the steps below to get an invite from the team.

1. Visit the official Arc Browser website.

2. Click on Join the Windows Waitlist,

Click Join Windows Waitlist

3. Now, enter your email address and click submit,

Click on Submit

Now, you have successfully joined the waiting list! Expect an email from the company including a link to download the beta version of Arc Browser.

Step 2: Download and Install Arch

Once you receive an invitation to download Arc Browser, follow the steps below:

1. Click download link be provided.

2. Save installer file At a convenient location.

3. Run installer file and follow on-screen instructions To complete the installation.

4. Once installed, find arch browser in your start menu Or desktop shortcut to launch it.

Also read: 14 Best Anonymous Web Browsers for Private Browsing

Step 3: Setup Your Arc Browser

After installing the browser, now it’s time to set up your account.

1. Upon launching Arc Browser on your PC, create your Account To start browsing.

2. After creating your account and verifying details, Sign in To start using Arch Browser.

Finally, you can start exploring the browser and its interface. As soon as you start using it, you will become familiar with many features that may surprise you. Personalize your browsing experience by adjusting settings like theme, font, and privacy options. Enjoy your advanced browsing with Arc!

Comment:Ark is currently in beta, which means you may occasionally encounter bugs or find some features missing. Your patience is appreciated during this phase. If you encounter any issues, please take a moment to report them. Your feedback is invaluable and contributes to the ongoing improvement of Arch for everyone.

How is Arc Browser different from other browsers?

You may be wondering why there is so much hype surrounding this browser, as it may seem like just another option on the market. Well, it’s not just another browser; It is a browser in its own category. Let us know its unique features:

  • Clean and clutter-free interface:Ark prioritizes content, while minimizing distractions with a clean and intuitive interface. The sidebar design hides unnecessary elements, allowing you to focus on what really matters – the web page itself.
  • highly skilled: Arc integrates various tools and functionalities directly into the browser. You can take notes, manage tasks, and access your favorite apps without leaving the page.
  • 100% Privacy: Ark takes everyone’s privacy seriously. By default, it blocks third-party trackers and cookies, protecting your online activity and data. They don’t know what you type or what you search for and they don’t sell data to any third parties, making it a safe and private browser.
  • Organize everything: Seamlessly organize all your online activities – be it work, study, or hobbies – in one window with innovative empty space And profile Speciality

Also read: Top 11 Best Private Browsers for Android

I hope this article has guided you how to Download and use Arc Browser Beta on your Windows PC, We really understand that you too are eagerly waiting for the full version to arrive because it is the cleanest and safest browser on the market. So, stay connected with us for more tech news and guides.

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